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個人情報保護関する基本方針(Privacy Policy)



T's Expert Hollandは、個人情報保護の重要性を認識し、関係所法令に基づき、個人情報の適切な取り扱いに努めます。




1)T's Expertが皆様から個人情報を収集する場合、その個人情報はT's Expertの実施する事業等の案内、およびセミナー、出版物、メールマガジン等の送付の目的で使用させて頂くことがございます。それ以外については、収集時における利用目的の達成に必要な範囲を超えて、その個人情報を利用することはいたしません。

















Privacy Policy


T's Expert recognises the importance of the personal information and will take the utmost care to ensure the appropriate protection on such personal information in accordance with the provision of the relevant laws and regulations.


Use of collected personal information


1) T's Expert may use the personal information collected from its website users and participants of the T's Expert events or sending information or invitation of other events or sending its publication and mail magazines, etc. T's Expert will not use such personal information gathered for a specific purpose beyond the scope of the purposes designated at the collection.


2) T's Expert shall not release such personal information collected to any third party without the consent of the users unless specifically required by law.


3) T's Expert will enter into the contract to ensure appropriate handling of the personal information by such third party.


Handling of personal information


To ensure secured and proper handling of the personal information, T's Expert will take appropriate actions to prevent unauthorised access, loss of the personal information, etc.


Correction and deletion


If there should be any error or changes in the personal information provided, T's Expert will make necessary correction or deletion of such personal information at the personal request of the individual user.


Contact for inquiries


For the confirmation of the personal information and for the questions on handling the personal information, please contact us at


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